Universitat Politècnica de València

Universitat Politècnica de València

Universitat Politècnica de València Hakkında Bilgiler

Valensiya Politeknik Üniversitesi, Valencia’da bilim ve teknolojiye odaklanan bir İspanyol üniversitesidir. 1968’de Valencia Yüksek Politeknik Okulu olarak kurulmuştur ve 1971’de bir üniversite statüsü almıştır. Universitat Politècnica de València üç kampüsten oluşur: (Valencia, Gandia ve Alcoy) ve 14 okul ve fakülteye sahiptir. Üniversite 48 lisans ve yüksek lisans derecesi ve 81 doktora derecesi sunmaktadır.

İspanya’da bulunan diğer üniversiteleri incelemek için İspanya üniversiteleri sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Universitat Politècnica de València Ranking

Uluslararası Sıralaması Yıl
Top Universities Ranking 801-1000 2020

Dönem Başlangıç Tarihleri ve Programlar Süreleri

Program Başlangıç Tarihi Program Süresi
Lisans Programları Ekim 2020 6 Dönem
Master Programları Ekim 2020 4 Dönem

Son Başvuru Tarihleri

Program Son Başvuru Tarihi
Lisans Programları Mayıs 2020
Master Programları Mayıs 2020

Universitat Politècnica de València Bölümleri

  1. Lisans Programları

    Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
    Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Creative Technologies
    Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts
    Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Forest and Environmental Engineering
    Bachelor’s Double in Forest and Environmental Engineering + Environmental Sciences
    Double Degree in Biotechnology + Agrigcultural Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in the Fundamentals of Architecture
    Bachelor’s Degree in Public Works Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Technical Architecture
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Mathematics + Civil Engineering
    Degree in Interior Achitectural Design
    Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Energy Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development
    Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science
    Bachelor’s Degree in Digital and Multimedia Technology
    Bachelor’s Degree in Geomatic and Surveying Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Interactive Technologies
    Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Systems, Sound and Image Engineering
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Telecommunications Systems, Sound and Image Engineering + Audiovisual Communications
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Informatics
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Telecommunications Technology Engineering
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Mathematics + Telecommunication Technologies and Services Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology
    Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences
    Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology
    Bachelor’s Double in Forest and Environmental Engineering + Environmental Sciences
    Double Degree in Biotechnology + Agrigcultural Engineering
    Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communications
    Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management
    Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration and Management
    Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Telecommunications Systems, Sound and Image Engineering + Audiovisual Communications
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Informatics
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Telecommunications Technology Engineering
    Bachelor’s Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Tourism
    Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture

  2. Master Programları

    Master’s Degree in Artistic Production
    Master’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
    Master’s Degree in Cultural Management
    Master’s Degree in Languages and Technology
    Master’s Degree in Multimedia and Visual Arts
    Master’s Degree in Music
    Master’s Degree in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
    Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Animal Husbandry
    Master’s Degree in Forest Engineering
    Master’s Double Degree in Agricultural Engineering + Agrifood and Envionmental Economy
    Master’s Double Degree in Agricultural Engineering + Animal Husbandry
    Master’s Double Degree in Agricultural Engineering + Food Science and Engineering
    Master’s Double Degree in Agricultural Engineering + Health and Vegetable Production
    Master’s Double Degree in Agricultural Engineering + Management and Food Safety
    Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture, Landscape, Urban Planning and Design
    Master’s Degree in Architecture
    Master’s Degree in Building Constructions
    Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Concrete Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Hydraulic Engineering and Environment
    Master’s Degree in Industrial Constructions and Installations
    Master’s Degree in Intelligent Transport Systems. MD-ITS
    Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture
    Master’s Degree in Planning and Management in Civil Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Preservation of Architectural Heritage
    Master’s Degree in Transportation, Land and Urban Development
    Master’s Double Degree in Civil Engineering + Concrete Engineering
    Master’s Double Degree in Civil Engineering + Hydraulic Engineering and Environment
    Master’s Double Degree in Civil Engineering + Planning and Management in Civil Engineering
    Master’s Double Degree in Civil Engineering + Transportation, Land and Urban Planning
    European Master Degree in Waves, Acoustics, Vibrations, Engineering and Sound Erasmus+
    Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Automation and Industrial Computing
    Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Computer-Aided Integrated Manufacturing and Design
    Master’s Degree in Design Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development
    Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Maintenance Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Materials Engineering, Science Processing, and Characterisation
    Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Mechatronics Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
    Master’s Degree in Sensors for Industrial Applications
    Master’s Degree in Textile Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging
    Master’s Degree in Computer and Network Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence
    Master’s Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Geoinformation
    Master’s Degree in Informatics Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Information Management
    Master’s Degree in Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Master’s Degree in Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems
    Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies, Systems and Networks
    Master’s Double Degree in Telecommunications Engineering + Electronic Systems Engineering
    Master’s Double Degree in Telecommunications Engineering + Telecommunication Technologies, Systems and Networks
    Master’s Degree in Advanced Engineering in Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Master’s Degree in Data Analysis, Process Improvement and Decision Support Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Industrial and Environmental Safety
    Master’s Degree in Organisational and Logistics Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Project Management
    Master’s Degree in Biomedical Biotechnology
    Master’s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention
    European Master Degree in Plant Breeding Erasmus+
    European Master Degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems Erasmus+
    Master’s Degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding, and Reproductive Biotechnology
    Master’s Degree in Aquaculture
    Master’s Degree in Assessment and Environmental Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems
    Master’s Degree in Enology
    Master’s Degree in Food Science and Engineering
    Master’s Degree in Green Chemistry
    Master’s Degree in Health and Vegetable Production
    Master’s Degree in Management and Food Safety
    Master’s Degree in Mathematical Research
    Master’s Degree in Plant Genetics and Breeding
    Master’s Degree in Plant Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology
    Master’s Degree in Administrative Management
    Master’s Degree in Agrifood and Envionmental Economy
    Master’s Degree in Business Administration
    Master’s Degree in Business, Product and Service Management
    Master’s degree in Communication Transmedia
    Master’s Degree in Cooperation to the Development
    Master’s Degree in Digital Post Production
    Master’s Degree in Financial and Fiscal Management
    Master’s Degree in Social Media and Corporate Communication
    Master’s Degree in Tourism Intelligence
    Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering

Universitat Politècnica de València Giriş Koşulları

Lisans Programları Master Programları
Lise Diploması
İspanyolca sertifikası
İyi bir not ortalaması
Selectividad(Üniversite Giriş Sınavı)
Lise Diploması
Üniversite Diploması
Programın diline göre İspanyolca ya da İngilizce sertifikası
GRE/GMAT istenebilir
İyi bir not ortalaması

*İspanya’da lisans eğitimi almak için İspanyolca bilmek zorunludur. İspanyol Üniversite Giriş Sınavı İspanyolca yapılmaktadır.

Başvuru için Gerekli Belgeler

  • Başvuru formu,
  • Lise/Üniversite diplomaları
  • Transkript
  • İngilizce dil belgesi
  • Özgeçmiş
  • Niyet mektubu
  • Banka hesap yazısı,
  • Sponsor yazısı,
  • Pasaport fotokopisi,
  • Sigorta,
  • 2 Adet Referans mektubu
  • Bazı bölümlerde portfolyo talep edilebilir.

Valencia Politeknik Üniversitesi Program Fiyatları

Program Program Ücreti
Lisans Programları €4,000
Master Programları €2.772

İletişim Bilgileri

Website Adresi

Adres: Camí de Vera, s/n, 46022 València, Valencia, İspanya

Telefon: +34 963 87 70 00

İletişim Formu