Moscow Engineering Physics Institute MEPHI

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute – MEPHI Hakkında Bilgiler

MEPhI (Ulusal Nükleer Araştırmalar Üniversitesi), 1942 yılında kurulup 2008 yılında yeni statüsüne kavuşmuş bir üniversite olarak, 7293’ten fazla yayına, 57 ülkeden 1530’un üzerinde uluslararası öğrenciye; Tokio Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich, MIT, Delft University of Technology ve ETH Zurich gibi birçok partner üniversite ağına, 8 adet enstitü ve 2 adet fakülteye sahiptir ve nükleer eğitimde dünya çapından aktif bir katılım göstermektedir.

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Ranking

Uluslararası Sıralaması Yıl
Times Higher Education Ranking 401-500 2020
QS News Ranking 329 2020

Programlar Süreleri

Program Program Süresi
Lisans Programları 8 Dönem
Master Programları 4 Dönem

Son Başvuru Tarihleri

Son Başvuru Tarihi
Lisans Programları 20 Ekim
Master Programları 20 Ekim

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Bölümleri

  1. Lisans Programları

    Theoretical physics and
    Mathematical Modeling
    Condensed Matter Physics*
    Physics of Kinetic Phenomena*
    Nanoelectronics, Spintronics and Photonics*
    Photonics of Nanostructures*
    Applied Mathematics in Computer Systems of Information Processing and Control*
    Applied Mathematics and Physics*
    Physics of Kinetics Phenomena*
    International Scientific and Technological Cooperaion*
    Accounting, Analysis and Audit*
    Mathematical and Economic Modeling in Business*
    Project Manament in Innovation Economics*
    Business Informatics in High-Technology Industry
    Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Physics*
    Physics of Charged Particle *Beams and Electrophysical Facilities*
    Electronics and Automatics in Physical Facilities*
    Nuclear Physics and Technologies*
    Plasma Physics*
    Nuclear Fusion Physics*
    Particle Physics and Cosmology*
    Radiation Safety of a Human Being and the Environment
    Physics of Materials and Processes*
    High-Performance Computer Systems and Technologies*
    Mathematical Modeling and Software Engineering for Computers and Computer Networks – Information* Technologies for Cybernetic Systems Development*
    Mathematical Equipment, Hardware and Software of Information System*
    Applied Informatics in Economy and Management of High-Technology Industry*
    Applied Informatics in Social Systems*
    Innovation Management*

    *Yıldızlı bölümler Rusça-İngilizce’dir. Yalnızca ilk bölüm İngilizce’dir.

  2. Master Programları

    Nuclear Power Engineering
    Materials for Nuclear Application
    Nuclear Engineering
    Materials Design and Engineering
    Physics in Nuclear Medicine*
    Medical Physics of Radiation Theraphy and Radiology*
    Methods of nonlinear Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling*
    Computer Technology in Research*
    Protected Automated Information Processing and Control Systems*
    Protected High Performance Computing Systems*
    Blockchain Technology is the Communication Foundation of the Digital Economy*
    Information Technology in Robotics*
    Highly Critical Cyber Systems Development Technologies*
    Advanced Information System Modeling Technologies*
    Architectures of Modern Intelligent Systems*
    Modern Problems of Software Engineering*
    Ensuring Information Security and Business Continuity*
    Condensed Matter Physics*
    Physics of Kinetic Phenomena*
    Nanoelectronics, Spintronics and Photonics*
    Micro- and Nanoelectronic Devices and Systems for Physical Installations*
    Opto- and Nanoelectronics, nanosystem Engineering*
    Extreme High Performance Electronics of Physical Installations*
    Strategic Management of the Company and the Business Excellence Models*
    Business Informatics in High-Technology Industry*
    Safe Nuclear Materials Management*
    Technical Aspects of Nuclear Non-Proliferation*
    Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Physics*
    Particle Physics and Cosmology*
    Physics and Nanotechnology and Heterostructure Electronics*
    Femtosecond Laser Physics and Technology*
    Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers*
    Nanostructured Materials*
    Computational Materials Design*
    Materials in Extreme Conditions*
    High-Tech Information Systems*

    *Yıldızlı bölümler Rusça-İngilizce’dir.

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Giriş Koşulları

Lisans Programları
Master Programları
TOEFL 200 (Computer)
Rusça Yeterlilik B2
TOEFL 200 (Computer)
Rusça Yeterlilik B2

Başvuru için Gerekli Belgeler

  • Başvuru formu,
  • Lise/Üniversite diplomaları
  • Transkript
  • İngilizce dil belgesi
  • Özgeçmiş
  • Niyet mektubu
  • Banka hesap yazısı,
  • Sponsor yazısı,
  • Pasaport fotokopisi,
  • Sigorta,
  • 2 Adet Referans mektubu
  • Bazı bölümlerde portfolyo talep edilebilir.

Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Program Fiyatları

Program Program Ücreti
Lisans Programları
105,820- 316,290 RUB
Master Programları
132,925- 187,330 RUB

İletişim Bilgileri

Website Adresi

Adres: Kashira Hwy, 31, Moscow, Rusya, 115409

Telefon: +7 495 788-56-99

İletişim Formu