Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover

Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover, Almanya’nın Hannover kentinde bulunan bir devlet araştırma üniversitesidir. 2014/15 okul yılında 2.121’i yabancı ülkelerden olan 25.688 öğrenci kayıt yaptırmıştır.

1831 yılından beri faal olan Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover, Almanya’nın önde gelen dokuz Teknoloji Enstitüsü’nün yani TU9’un bir üyesidir. Ayrıca, Avrupa’nın önde gelen mühendislik üniversitelerinin kar amacı gütmeyen bir derneği olan Avrupa İleri Mühendislik Eğitim ve Araştırma Okulları Konferansı’nın (CESAER) üyesidir. 315’den fazla profesöre ve 2600’ün üzerinde akademisyene sahip olan Leibniz Üniversitesi, Hannover hukuk, ekonomi, doğa bilimleri ve mühendislik alanlarında Almanya’da akla gelen üniversitelerden biridir.

Leibniz University Hannover

Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover Nerededir?

Almanya’nın Hannover kentinde bulunan Leibniz Üniversitesi, şehrin ortasında yemyeşil bir kampüse sahiptir. Şehir bulunduğu konum itibariyle Almanya’nın en merkezi şehirlerinden biri sayılır. Yeşilin her tonunun görülebileceği doğasıyla, eğlence merkezleri ve renkli festivalleriyle Hannover’da eğitim hayatını geçiren öğrencilere unutulmayacak yıllar geçirtir diyebiliriz.

Hannover fuarların da sıklıkla düzenlendiği bir şehir olduğundan öğrencilere sayısız iş ve staj imkanı da sunar.

Leibniz Üniversitesi, Hannover Mezunları Kimlerdir?

Hans Hellmann, Wolfgang Haack gibi ünlü bilim insanlarının eğitim aldığı yer olan Leibniz Üniversitesi, alanlarında dünya çapında başarıya ulaşan akademisyenlere de ev sahipliği yapmıştır.

Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover Sıralaması

Uluslararası Sıralaması Yıl
Times Higher Ranking 501 2021
QS News Ranking 601 2021

Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover Program Ücretleri

Program Ücreti
Lisans Ücretleri
800-1000 Euro
Yüksek Lisans Ücretleri
800-1000 Euro

Sunulan Programlar

Lisans Programları

Yüksek Lisans Programları

Applied linguistics in the bachelor’s program special education, extra-curricular (Bachelor of Arts)

Architecture (Bachelor of Science)

Civil and environmental engineering (Bachelor of Science)

Construction engineering in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Biochemistry (Bachelor of Science)

Biology (Bachelor of Science)

Biology in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Science)

Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)

Chemistry in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Chemistry in the interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Science)

Performing game in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

German in the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

German in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

German in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Electrical engineering in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Electrical engineering and information technology (Bachelor of Science)

Energy technology (Bachelor of Science)

English in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

English in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Geography / Geography in the interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science)

Evangelical Religion in the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

Evangelical religion in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Evangelical theology in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science)

Color technology and interior design in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Geodesy and Geoinformatics (Bachelor of Science)

Geography (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science)

Earth Sciences (Bachelor of Science)

History of the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

History in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Wood technology in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Computer Science (Bachelor of Science)

Computer Science in the Bachelor’s Degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Computer science in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Science)

Information technology law and intellectual property law (LL.B) (Bachelor of Laws)

Catholic religion in the Bachelor’s program in special education (Bachelor of Arts)

Catholic religion in the bachelor’s degree program Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Catholic theology in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Art in the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

Landscape architecture and environmental planning (Bachelor of Science)

Food Science in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Life Science (Bachelor of Science)

Mechanical engineering (Bachelor of Science)

Mathematics (Bachelor of Science)

Mathematics in the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

Mathematics in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Mathematics in the interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Science)

Mechatronics (Bachelor of Science)

Metal technology in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Meteorology (Bachelor of Science)

Molecular and Applied Plant Sciences (Bachelor of Science)

Music in the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

Music in the interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Nanotechnology (Bachelor of Science)

Philosophy in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Physics (Bachelor of Science)

Physics in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science in Physics

Political Science (Bachelor of Arts)

Political Science (Politics) in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Political Science (Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts)

Production and logistics (Bachelor of Science)

Law (state examination)

Religious Studies / Values and Norms in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Subject-related teaching in the Bachelor’s program in special education (Bachelor of Arts)

Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

Social Sciences (Bachelor of Arts)

Spanish in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Spanish in interdisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Sport in the Bachelor’s program in Special Education (Bachelor of Arts)

Sport in the Bachelor’s degree in Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Sport in the multidisciplinary Bachelor (Bachelor of Arts)

Technical Education (Bachelor of Science)

Computer Engineering (Bachelor of Science)

Industrial engineer (Bachelor of Science)

Economics (Bachelor of Science)

-Advanced Anglophone Studies (Master of Arts)

Work science part-time (Master of Arts)

Architecture and Urban Development (Master of Science)

Atlantic Studies in History, Culture and Society (Master of Arts)

Civil Engineering (Master of Science)

Civil engineering – specialization in structural engineering (distance learning) (Master of Science)

Building technology in the master’s program Teacher training at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Educational Science (Master of Arts)

Biochemistry (Master of Science)

Biology in the master’s program teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

Biomedical engineering (Master of Science)

Chemistry (Master of Science)

Chemistry in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Chemistry in the master’s program teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

Computational Methods in Engineering (Master of Science)

Performing game in the master’s program for teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

German in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

German in the master’s program teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

German in the master’s program Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

German and English Linguistics / German and English Linguistics (Master of Arts)

Electrical engineering in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Electrical engineering and information technology (Master of Science)

Energy technology (Master of Science)

Energy Technology (Master of Science, Triple Degree)

English in the master’s program Teacher training at vocational schools (Master of Education)

English in the master’s program Teacher Training at High Schools (Master of Education)

Geography in the master’s course teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

European Legal Practice LL.M. Joint Degree (Master of Laws)

European Master in Territorial Development (Master of Science)

Evangelical Religion in the Master’s Degree Teacher Training Program at Vocational Schools (Master of Education)

Evangelical Religion in the Master’s Program Teacher Training at High Schools (Master of Education)

Evangelical Religion in the Master’s Program for Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

Color technology and interior design in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Food Research and Development / Food Science (Master of Science)

Geodesy and Geoinformatics (Master of Science)

Earth Sciences (Master of Science)

History (Master of Arts)

History in the master’s program Teacher Training in High Schools (Master of Education)

History in the master’s program Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

Wood technology in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Computer Science (Master of Science)

Information technology law and intellectual property law (LL.M) (Master of Laws)

International Horticulture (Master of Science)

International Mechatronics (Double Degree, Master of Science)

Catholic religion in the master’s program teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Catholic religion in the master’s program teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

Catholic religion in the master’s program for special needs education (Master of Education)

Art in the master’s program Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

Landscape Architecture (Master of Science)

Landscape Science (Master of Science)

Food science in the master’s program teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Teaching position at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Teaching position at vocational schools for engineers (mechanical engineering or electrical engineering) – LBS-SprintING (Master of Education)

Teaching post at high schools (Master of Education)

Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

Life Science (Master of Science)

Mechanical engineering (Master of Science)

Mathematics (Master of Science)

Mathematics in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Mathematics in the master’s program teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

Mathematics in the master’s program Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

Mechatronics and Robotics (Master of Science)

Metal technology in the master’s course teaching at vocational schools (Master of Education)

Meteorology (Master of Science)

Molecular Microbiology (Master of Science)

Music in the master’s course teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

Music in the master’s program Teacher Training for Special Education (Master of Education)

Nanotechnology (Master of Science)

Modern German Literature (Master of Arts)

Optical Technologies (Master of Science)

Plant Biotechnology (Master of Science)

Philosophy in the master’s degree program for teaching at grammar schools (Master of Education)

Philosophy of Science (Master of Arts)

Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover Kabul Şartları Nelerdir?

Lisans Programları
Master Programları
Lise Diploması
OSYM yerleştirme
German Language Certificate
Üniversite Diploması

Başvuru için Gerekli Belgeler

  • Başvuru formu
  • Lise/Üniversite diplomaları
  • Transkript
  • İngilizce dil belgesi
  • Özgeçmiş
  • Niyet mektubu
  • Banka hesap yazısı
  • Sponsor yazısı
  • Pasaport fotokopisi
  • Sigorta
  • Referans mektubu(3 tane)

Leibniz Üniversitesi Hannover Başvuru Tarihleri

Son Başvuru Tarihi
Lisans Programları 31 Mayıs
Yüksek Lisans Programları 31 Mayıs

*Programa göre değişmektedir.

Dönem Başlangıç Tarihleri ve Eğitim Süresi

Program Başlangıç Tarihi
Program Süresi
Lisans Programları Eylül 2020 8 Dönem
Yüksek Lisans Programları Eylül 2020 4 Dönem

İletişim Bilgileri

İnternet Sitesi

Adres: Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Almanya

Telefon: +49 511 762 – 0