Imperial College London

Imperial College London; bilim, mühendislik, işletme ve tıp alanlarında uzmanlaşmış bir kamu araştırma üniversitesidir. Federal University of London’ın bir parçası iken kuruluşunun 100. yılı olan 2007 yılında Imperial tam olarak bağımsız bir kimliğe kavuşmuştur.

Oxford ve Cambridge’i de içine alan altı seçkin İngiliz üniversitesinden oluşan “Altın Üçgen” in bir parçası kabul edilir. Imperial College dünya standartlarındaki bilim, mühendislik ve tıp programları ile tanınır ancak son yıllarda Imperial College İşletme Fakültesi ve Beşeri Bilimler departmanı ile de ciddi anlamda itibar kazanmıştır.

Ana kampüsü South Kensington’da olan Imperial’ın Chelsea, Hammersmith ve Paddington da dahil olmak üzere merkezi Londra’da pek çok kampüsü bulunmaktadır. Toplam 525,233 m2lik kullanılabilir alanıyla İngiltere’deki tüm yüksek öğretim kurumlarından daha büyük bir alana sahip olan Imperial College London dört ana akademik birimde organize olmuştur: toplamda kırkı aşkın departman, enstitü ve araştırma merkezleri bulunduran üç fakülte ve Imperial College Business School.

Imperial yaklaşık olarak 13,500 tam zamanlı öğrenciye ve 3,330 akademisyen ve araştırma görevlisine ev sahipliği yapar ve 2009/10 akademik yılındaki £694 milyonluk gelirinin £297 milyonunu araştırma fonlarından ve sözleşmelerinden elde etmiştir. Bugüne dek Imperial’ın mezunları ve eski veya mevcut eğitim üyelerinin arasından Nobel ödülü almaya hak kazanan 14 kişi, Fields Medal kazanan da iki kişi olmuştur. Imperial Association of Commonwealth Universities, the Association of MBAs, the European University Association, the G5, the IDEA League, the League of European Research Universities, Oak Ridge Associated Universities ve Russell Group üyesidir. Ayrıca okul İngiliz üniversiteleri arasındaki “Golden Triangle”’ın da üyesidir.

İngiltere’de bulunan diğer üniversiteleri incelemek için İngiltere üniversiteleri sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Imperial College Mezunları Kimlerdir?

Imperial yaklaşık olarak 13,500 tam zamanlı öğrenciye ve 3,330 akademisyen ve araştırma görevlisine ev sahipliği yapar ve 2009/10 akademik yılındaki £694 milyonluk gelirinin £297 milyonunu araştırma fonlarından ve sözleşmelerinden elde etmiştir. Bugüne dek Imperial’ın mezunları ve eski veya mevcut eğitim üyelerinin arasından Nobel ödülü almaya hak kazanan 14 kişi, Fields Medal kazanan da iki kişi olmuştur.  Mezunları arasında, Rajiv Gandhi, Brian May, Jessica Hsuan gibi tanınmış isimler bulunmaktadır.

Imperial College London Ranking

Uluslararası Sıralaması Yıl
Times Higher Education 11 2021
QS News Ranking 8 2021

Dönem Başlangıç Tarihleri ve Programlar Süreleri

Program Başlangıç Tarihi Program Süresi
Lisans Programları Eylül 2024 6 -8 Dönem
Master Programları Eylül 2024 2 Dönem

Son Başvuru Tarihleri

Son Başvuru Tarihi
Lisans Programları 15 Ocak
Master Programları 30 Haziran

Imperial College London Program Fiyatları

Program Program Ücreti
Lisans Programları
£31,750- £35,000
Master Programları
£26,500- £32,500

Imperial College London Sunulan Programlar

  1. Lisans Programları

    Aeronautical Engineering
    Aeronautical Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Aeronautical Engineering with a Year in Industry
    Aeronautics with Spacecraft Engineering
    Biochemistry with a Year in Industry/Research
    Biochemistry with French for Science
    Biochemistry with German for Science
    Biochemistry with Management
    Biochemistry with Research Abroad
    Biochemistry with Spanish for Science
    Biological Sciences
    Biological Sciences with a Year in Industry/Research
    Biological Sciences with French for Science
    Biological Sciences with German for Science
    Biological Sciences with Management
    Biological Sciences with Research Abroad
    Biological Sciences with Spanish for Science
    Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
    Biomedical Engineering
    Biomedical Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Biomedical Engineering with a Year in Industry
    Biotechnology with a Year in Industry/Research
    Biotechnology with French for Science
    Biotechnology with German for Science
    Biotechnology with Management
    Biotechnology with Research Abroad
    Biotechnology with Spanish for Science
    Chemical Engineering
    Chemical Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Chemical with Nuclear Engineering
    Chemical Engineering
    Chemistry with a Year in Industry
    Chemistry with French for Science
    Chemistry with German for Science
    Chemistry with Management
    Chemistry with Management and a Year in Industry
    Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
    Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry and a Year in Industry
    Chemistry with Molecular Physics
    Chemistry with Molecular Physics and a Year in Industry
    Chemistry with Research Abroad
    Chemistry with Research Abroad and a Year in Industry
    Chemistry with Spanish for Science
    Civil Engineering
    Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Civil Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
    Computing (Management and Finance)
    Computing (Security and Reliability)
    Computing (Software Engineering)
    Computing (Visual Computing and Robotics)
    Design Engineering
    Earth and Planetary Science
    Earth Science and Engineering
    Ecology and Environmental Biology
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Management
    Electronic and Information Engineering
    Electronic and Information Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Geology with a Year Abroad
    Intercalated BSc programme
    Intercalated PhD option for Medical Students
    Materials Science and Engineering
    Materials with Management
    Materials with Nuclear Engineering
    Mathematics and Computer Science
    Mathematics with a Year Abroad
    Mathematics with Applied Mathematics/Mathematical Physics
    Mathematics with Mathematical Computation
    Mathematics with Statistics
    Mathematics with Statistics for Finance
    Mathematics, Optimisation and Statistics
    Mechanical Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering with a Year Abroad
    Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry
    Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry and a Year Abroad
    Mechanical Engineering with Nuclear Engineering and a Year in Industry
    Mechanical Engineering
    Mechanical with Nuclear Engineering
    Medical Biosciences
    Medical Biosciences with Management
    Medicine (Graduate entry)
    Medicine (Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore)
    Molecular Bioengineering
    Molecular Bioengineering with a Year Abroad
    Molecular Bioengineering with a Year in Industry
    Physics and Music Performance
    Physics with a Year Abroad
    Physics with Theoretical Physics

  2. Master Programları

    Advanced Aeronautical Engineering
    Advanced Chemical Engineering
    Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology
    Advanced Chemical Engineering with Process Systems Engineering
    Advanced Chemical Engineering with Structured Product Engineering
    Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure
    Advanced Computing
    Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure
    Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
    Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    Advanced Molecular Synthesis
    Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine and Intensive Care
    Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design
    Applied Biosciences and Biotechnology
    Applied Computational Science and Engineering
    Applied Genomics
    Applied Machine Learning
    Applied Mathematics
    Artificial Intelligence
    Bacterial Pathogenesis and Infection
    Bioimaging Sciences
    Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology
    Biomedical Engineering
    Biomedical Research
    Business Analytics
    Business Analytics (Online)
    Cancer Biology
    Cancer Informatics
    Cancer Technology
    Cardiovascular and Respiratory Healthcare
    Catalysis: Chemistry and Engineering
    Chemical Biology and Bio-Entrepreneurship
    Climate Change, Management and Finance
    Clinical Research
    Communications and Signal Processing
    Composites: the Science, Technology and Engineering Application of Advanced Composites
    Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution
    Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
    Computing (Management and Finance)
    Computing (Security and Reliability)
    Computing (Software Engineering)
    Computing (Visual Computing and Robotics)
    Computing Science
    Concrete Structures
    Control Systems
    Data Science
    Digital Health Leadership
    Drug Discovery and Development: Multidisciplinary Science for Next Generation Therapeutics
    Earthquake Engineering
    Ecological Applications
    Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Research
    Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
    Economics and Strategy for Business
    Ecosystem and Environmental Change
    Engineering Fluid Mechanics for the Offshore, Coastal and Built Environments
    Engineering for Biomedicine
    Environmental Engineering and Business Management
    Environmental Engineering
    Environmental Technology
    Epidemiology, Evolution and Control of Infectious Diseases
    Experimental Neuroscience
    Finance and Accounting
    Financial Technology
    Future Power Networks
    General Structural Engineering
    Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies
    Genomic Medicine
    Global Innovation Design
    Green Chemistry, Energy and the Environment
    Health Data Analytics and Machine Learning
    Health Policy (delivered by the Institute of Global Health Innovation)
    Health Policy (delivered by the Institute of Global Health Innovation)
    Healthcare and Design (delivered by the Institute of Global Health Innovation)
    Human and Biological Robotics
    Human Molecular Genetics
    Hydrology and Business Management
    Hydrology and Water Resources Management
    Innovation Design Engineering
    Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
    INSPIRE teacher training programme
    International Health Management
    International Management
    Investment and Wealth Management
    Machine Learning and Data Science (Online)
    Mathematics and Finance
    MBA (Executive)
    MBA (Global Online)
    MBA (Weekend)
    Medical Device Design and Entrepreneurship
    Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention (delivered by the Institute of Global Health
    Medical Ultrasound
    Metals and Energy Finance
    Microbiome in Health and Disease (delivered by the Institute of Global Health Innovation)
    Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
    Molecular Basis of Human Disease
    Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses
    Molecular Medicine
    Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences
    Molecular Science and Engineering (delivered by the Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering)
    Optics and Photonics
    Paediatrics and Child Health
    Patient Safety (delivered by the Institute of Global Health Innovation)
    Petroleum Engineering
    Petroleum Geoscience
    Physics with Extended Research
    Physics with Nanophotonics
    Physics with Quantum Dynamics
    Plant Chemical Biology: Multidisciplinary Research for Next Generation Agri-Sciences
    Plastic Electronic Materials
    Public Health
    Global Master of Public Health (Online)
    Pure Mathematics
    Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces
    Reproductive and Developmental Biology
    Reproductive and Developmental Biology
    Respiratory and Cardiovascular Science
    Risk Management and Financial Engineering
    Science Communication
    Science Media Production
    Security and Resilience: Science and Technology
    Soil Mechanics and Business Management
    Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology
    Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics
    Statistics (Applied Statistics)
    Statistics (Biostatistics)
    Statistics (Data Science)
    Statistics (Statistical Finance)
    Statistics (Theory and Methods)
    Strategic Marketing (Online)
    Strategic Marketing
    Structural Molecular Biology
    Structural Steel Design
    Surgical Education
    Surgical Innovation
    Sustainable Energy Futures (delivered by Energy Futures Lab)
    Systems and Synthetic Biology
    Taxonomy, Biodiversity and Evolution
    Translational Neuroscience
    Transport and Business Management
    Tropical Forest Ecology

Imperial College London Giriş Koşulları

Lisans Programları
Master Programları
A Level
IB diploma 38- 40
Lise diploması
IELTS UKVI 6.5- 7.0 Her section 6.0
TOEFL 90 -100
İyi bir not ortalaması
Üniversite Diploması minumum 3.0 GPA
IELTS UKVI 6.5- 7.0 Her section 6.0
TOEFL 90-100
GRE/GMAT istenebilir

Başvuru için Gerekli Belgeler

  • Başvuru formu,
  • Lise/Üniversite diplomaları
  • Transkript
  • İngilizce dil belgesi
  • Özgeçmiş
  • Niyet mektubu
  • Banka hesap yazısı,
  • Sponsor yazısı,
  • Pasaport fotokopisi,
  • Sigorta,
  • 2 Adet Referans mektubu

İletişim Bilgileri

Website Adresi

Adres: South Kensington, London SW7 2BU, Birleşik Krallık

Telefon: +44 20 7589 5111

İletişim Formu