Durham University

Durham University Hakkında Genel Bilgiler

1832’de Parlamento Yasası tarafından ve 1837’de kraliyet tüzüğü ile kurulan Durham üniversitesi, İngiltere’deki bir devlet araştırma üniversitesidir. Oxford ve Cambridge’den sonra, İngiltere’de ilk açılan üniversite olarak bilinir. Üniversitenin akademik bölümleri 16 kolej arasında bölünmüştür.

Durham Üniversitesi, UNESCO dünya mirası alanının bir parçası olan 563 dönüm bir araziye sahiptir. Mülkiyet iki ayrı bölgeye ayrılmıştır: Durham City ve Kraliçe Kampüsü, Stockton. İki konum, hafta boyunca sık sık çalışan ücretsiz bir otobüs servisi ile birbirine bağlanır.

Durham University, Study Group ile ortak hazırlık programları sunmaktadır. Study Group, uluslararası öğrenciler için üniversiteye geçiş yolunda yardımcı olmayı amaçlayan eğitim sağlayıcılarındandır. Study Group İngiltere, Avrupa, Kuzey Amerika ve Avustralya’daki önde gelen üniversitelerle çalışmaktadır. Anka Yurtdışı Eğitim, Durham University hazırlık programları için ücretsiz danışmanlık hizmeti sağlamaktadır.

İngiltere’de bulunan diğer üniversiteleri incelemek için İngiltere üniversiteleri sayfamızı ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Durham University Ranking

Uluslararası Sıralaması Yıl
Top Universities Ranking 133 2020
QS News Ranking 78 2020

Dönem Başlangıç Tarihleri ve Programlar Süreleri

Program Başlangıç Tarihi Program Süresi
International Foundation Eylül, Ocak 3 dönem(1 yıl)
Lisans Programları Eylül 2020 6 Dönem
Pre-Master’s Eylül, Ocak 2-3 Dönem
Master Programları Eylül 2020 2 Dönem

Son Başvuru Tarihleri

Program Son Başvuru Tarihi
International Foundation Rolling Admission
Lisans Programları Ocak 2020
Pre-Master’s Rolling Admission
Master Programları Rolling Admission

Durham University Bölümleri

  1. Lisans Programları

    Accounting and Finance
    Accounting and Management
    Ancient History
    Ancient History and Archaeology
    Archaeology and Ancient History
    Ancient, Medieval and Modern History
    Anthropology and Archaeology
    Archaeology and Anthropology
    Archaeology and Ancient Civilisations
    Ancient Civilisations and Archaeology
    Archaeology of the Historic World
    Anthropology and Biology
    Behavioural Science
    Biological Sciences
    Business and Management
    Biology and Chemistry
    Biology and Geography
    Biology and Earth Sciences
    Biology and Mathematics
    Biology and Physics
    Biology and Psychology
    Business and Computer Science
    Classical Civilisation
    Computer Science
    Chemistry and Physics
    Chemistry and Mathematics
    Computer Science and Mathematics
    Computer Science and Physics
    Education Studies
    English Literature
    English Literature and History
    English Literature and Philosophy
    Environmental Geoscience
    Engineering, General
    Economics and Mathematics
    Economics and Psychology
    Education, Primary
    Geography as part of an Education Studies degree
    Geoscience, Environmental
    General Engineering
    History and English Literature
    Health and Human Sciences
    International Relations
    Japanese Studies (with Year Abroad) with Foundation
    Liberal Arts
    Management and Business with Foundation
    Marketing and Management
    Mathematics and Statistics
    Music and Philosophy
    Mathematics and Philosophy
    Mathematics and Physics
    Mathematics and Psychology
    Natural Sciences
    Philosophy and English Literature
    Philosophy and Music
    Philosophy and Physics
    Psychology and Economics
    Philosophy and Politics
    Politics and Philosophy
    Primary Education
    Religion, Society and Culture
    Sociology and Anthropology
    Sport and Exercise Sciences
    Theology and Philosophy
    Theology and Religion
    Visual Arts and Film

  2. Master Programları

    Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    Ancient Philosophy
    Applied Linguistics for TESOL
    Arab World Studies
    Anthropology, Medical
    Behavioural Science
    Biblical Studies
    Business Analytics
    Business Development
    Christian Theology
    Civil Engineering
    Cognitive Neuroscience
    Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
    Corporate Law
    Creative Writing
    Criminology (Social Research Methods)
    Defence, Development and Diplomacy
    Developmental Psychopathology
    Electronic and Electrical Engineering
    Energy and Society
    English Literary Studies
    Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
    European Trade and Commercial Law
    Experimental Economics
    Economics, Experimental
    Economics, Public
    Finance, Islamic
    Global Politics
    Geography (Research Methods)
    Greece, Rome and the Near East
    Geography (Risk)
    Human Bioarchaeology and Palaeopathology
    Human Resource Management
    History, Social and Economic History (Research Methods)
    Intercultural Communication and Education
    International Cultural Heritage Management
    International Law and Governance
    International Relations
    International Relations (European)
    International Trade and Commercial Law
    Islamic Finance
    Law, Corporate
    Law, European Trade and Commercial
    Law, International and Governance
    Law, International Trade and Commercial
    Languages, Literatures, Cultures
    Laws, Master of
    Mechanical Engineering (Advanced)
    Management and Islamic Finance
    Management (Entrepreneurship)
    Management (Finance)
    Management (International Business)
    Master of Business Administration
    Master of Laws
    Mathematical Sciences
    Medical Anthropology
    Medieval and Early Modern Studies
    Medieval and Renaissance Literary Studies
    Museum and Artefact Studies
    New and Renewable Energy
    Politics, Global
    Particles, Strings and Cosmology
    Politics and International Relations (Political Theory)
    Public Economics
    Poetry, Studies in
    Religion and Society
    Romantic and Victorian Literary Studies
    Scientific Computing and Data Analysis
    Socio-Cultural Anthropology
    Studies in Poetry
    Sustainability, Culture and Development
    TESOL, Applied Linguistics for
    Theology, Christian
    Theology (Anglican Studies), Christian
    Theology and Religion
    Translation Studies
    Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Studies
    Visual Culture

  3. International Foundation Programları

    BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance
    BA (Hons) Business and Management
    BA (Hons) Accounting and Management
    BA (Hons) Economics
    BA (Hons) Marketing and Management
    BSc (Hons) Finance
    BEng (Hons) General Engineering
    BSc (Hons) Environmental Geosciences
    BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences
    BSc (Hons) Chemistry
    BSc (Hons) Computer Science
    BSc (Hons) Earth Sciences
    BSc (Hons) Geology
    BSc (Hons) Geophysics
    BSc (Hons) Geoscience
    BSc (Hons) Mathematics
    BSc (Hons) Physics
    BSc (Hons) Psychology
    BA (Hons) Anthropology
    BA (Hons) Archaeology
    BA (Hons) Chinese Studies
    BA (Hons) Classics
    BA (Hons) Combined Honours in Social Sciences
    BA (Hons) Criminology
    BA (Hons) Education Studies
    BA (Hons) Education Studies – Geography
    BA (Hons) Education Studies – Psychology
    BA (Hons) Education Studies – Sociology
    BA (Hons) English Literature
    BA (Hons) Geography
    BA (Hons) History
    BA (Hons) International Relations
    BA (Hons) Japanese Studies
    BA (Hons) Liberal Arts
    BA (Hons) Music
    BA (Hons) Philosophy
    BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics
    BA (Hons) Politics
    BA (Hons) Sociology
    BA (Hons) Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity
    BA (Hons) Theology and Religion
    BA (Hons) Visual Arts and Film
    BSc (Hons) Geography
    BSc (Hons) Health and Human Sciences
    BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Sciences
    LLB (Hons) Law

  4. Pre-Master Programları

    MSc Accounting
    MSc Economics
    MSc Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
    MSc Experimental Economics
    MSc Finance
    MSc Finance (Accounting & Finance)
    MSc Finance (Corporate & International Finance)
    MSc Finance (Economics & Finance)
    MSc Finance (Finance & Investment)
    MSc Finance (International Banking & Finance)
    MSc Finance (International Money, Finance & Investment)
    MSc Human Resource Management
    MSc Islamic Finance
    MSc Islamic Finance and Management
    MSc Management
    MSc Management (Entrepreneurship)
    MSc Management (Finance)
    MSc Management (International Business)
    MSc Management (Supply Chain Logistics)
    MSc Marketing
    MSc Public Economics
    MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
    MSc Civil Engineering
    MSc Developmental Psychopathology
    MSc Electronic and Electrical Engineering
    MSc Mathematical Sciences
    MSc New and Renewable Energy

Durham University Giriş Koşulları

International Foundation Programları Lisans Programları Pre-Master’s Master Programları
Lise diploması
A Level ya da IB Diploması
(İstenen not ortalaması programa göre değişmektedir)
IB ya da A Level yoksa Foundation programı
IELTS UKVI min 6.5
Lisans Diploması
IELTS UKVI 5.5-6.0*
2. GPA
GMAT/GRE zorunlu değil
Lisans Diploması
IELTS UKVI min 6.5
GRE/GMAT istenebilir
2.80 GPA

*Öğrenciler IELTS notlarına göre programa 2 ya da 3 dönem katılacaklardır.
**Foundation ve Pre-Master programlarına katılan öğrenciler dönem sonunda okul tarafından belirlenen notu almaları durumunda programlarına başlayabilmektedirler.

Başvuru için Gerekli Belgeler

  • Başvuru formu,
  • Lise/Üniversite diplomaları
  • Transkript
  • İngilizce dil belgesi
  • Özgeçmiş
  • Niyet mektubu
  • Banka hesap yazısı,
  • Sponsor yazısı,
  • Pasaport fotokopisi,
  • Sigorta,
  • 2 Adet Referans mektubu
  • Bazı bölümlerde portfolyo talep edilebilir.

Durham University Program Fiyatları

Program Program Ücreti
International Foundation £19,750-£21,000
Lisans Programları £21,500-£25,800
Pre-Master’s £17,500-£23,000
Master Programları £19,500-£31,500

İletişim Bilgileri

Website Adresi

Adres: Durham, Birleşik Krallık

Telefon: +44 191 334 2000

İletişim Formu